“I Photograph What I Like” - Fred Zucule

Fred is a multi-disciplinary thinker, a well-rounded creative, and altogether a master of cultural consciousness. Apart from being the program assistant at the African Film and Arts Foundation, Fred is a genius in portrait photography. He skillfully brings culture and photography together, producing unique portraits that are both creative and culturally relevant.
Fred characterizes his photography much like Steve Biko, a legendary South African political philosopher, characterized his writing with the title: I write what I like. This is revolutionary and enlightening. On one of his projects called Indomitable Frequencies, Fred says, “Photography gives me the space to manifest my affective consciousness. To me, photography is the creation of the subjectivity that is yet to be.”
Fred also explores African queer lenses. Using his photography to push against stereotypes and embrace a sense of belonging in one’s own body. In his series CrossCurrents, he uses photography as a space for the “creative expression” of queer identities. He says photography, as it pertains to queer identities, is a “literal space shaped for us to experience pleasure, belonging and mourning. ”

Fred explores various social issues not just with photography but with fine arts, graphic design, and videography. At the African Film and Arts Foundation, Fred continues to use his talents to expand and empower African stories and voices in the film and art industry.
Follow Fred on social media.
This is a compilation of beautiful snippets Fred took at the Atlanta Reggae in the Park BeRagge festival on August 15 2021 at Piedmont Park.